Reach your B2B audience with clear, concise messaging —
delivered in the most engaging medium, at the right time.
The 5 W’s: What’s your story?
Storytelling is the heart of content marketing. As a journalism student, I learned the importance of the "The 5W's" — who, what, when, where, why — in reporting a story. Some 35 years later, I continue to rely on the concept to create effective content marketing.
Who: Consider your audience, whether you hope to reach high-value prospects, current customers, or brand evangelists.
What: Content must resonate with your audience, whether it's a blog post, white paper, infographic, ebook, webinar, or Tweet.
When: From funnel-based scheduling to mapping content to each step of the buyer's journey, precise timing is key.
Where: Covering all bases is crucial, as buyers consume marketing content from your website, social media, email, and third-party sites.
Why: What's the end goal? Brand awareness, lead generation, web-site conversions — or a program that encompasses all that and more?
No one knows your brand’s story better than you do. Tell me your story, and together, we'll craft content that resonates with your audience.

Simply put, I’m a storyteller who’s as comfortable in the role of Chief Content Officer as I am when wearing my Social Media Manager hat. I'm an accomplished project manager, crackerjack writer, eagle-eyed editor, and enterprise IT insider with nearly 30 years of publishing experience.
As the former Managing Editor at infoworld.com, I have trained my eye on the enterprise technology space for nearly 20 years. During the past decade, I’ve evolved my practice from writing and editing to content marketing and social media.
A longtime digital nomad, I divide my time between San Francisco and Nice, France — and other locales as time permits.
To learn more about my career path, please visit my LinkedIn profile. Then contact me to discuss crafting content tailored to your needs.
What’s my story?
© 2016 by alecwagner.com